Sunday, April 26, 2020

Intentionality Part Two


If you missed Part One: Being intentional with God, but sure to check that out as well! 

Part Two: Being intentional with our children

In order to excel in any vocation one must be intentional about what one does.  Aren't your best days as mothers the days that you actually say "hey, lets do this".  It doesn't have to be something extraordinary – it can be a simple as having dinner outside on a blanket – but it is intentional!  Think about how much of your day you let others have control of …or how much you plan in advance (ie. Mondays groceries, Tuesday laundry)… those of us with older kids are dealing with their schedules and the youngsters have their important routines.  

Routines and schedules are critical for young kids especially because they leave kids feeling safe in a fairly unpredictable world. I am not suggesting being unpredictable. I am suggesting you be intentional about your parenting and your relationship with your spouse.  Developmental psychology tells us that the more routine you are with your kids, the better they are at being flexible when you need them to be so.

Be intentional about your discipline and your approach as the kids age and bring you new challenges.  If you are having an on going problem then take a step back and really look at the issue.  Take time to think about it and talk about it with someone else.  Bring your spouse into the discussion.  

If you still need some help ask another mom what her thoughts are on the issue  - but be sure you have an open heart and won't be quick to be offended!  Other moms are such a great resource because so much of what troubles us troubles us all at one time or another.  Veteran moms love to help out and know that just because you talk about it that doesn't mean you will (or should) take their advice. You are just brainstorming together so be relaxed about the conversation.  If we all talked more and prayed more about what bothers us we would all be much better off and so would our children.

Christ in our Home and Hearts 

Our home is a reflection of our inner life. If you are not satisfied with you home now, be intentional and work for change. If our home is filled with cries and not laughter, yelling and hitting rather than quiet talks and cuddles, we need to ask for more help!  Prayer is how you ask for help. Ask God for His grace, request the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide you and you won't be disappointed. 

A friend once told me that she thinks it is silly to bother God with petty prayers – those prayers to help you find the lost car key for instance. I however take a different approach because God CAN handle the lost car keys and the miracle cures too.   Paul tells us that we should strive to live in constant prayer.  Don't save up those prayers of thanks or prayers of need until the end of the day – pray throughout the day and let the Lord take that weight off your shoulders.  

We typically think of the term "freewill" in terms of our choice to accept Christ as our Lord and Savior…or the choice to sin or not to sin.  I have lately taken to recognize in my life, that it also is the choice to invite God to work little miracles everyday in my life as a Mother. God didn't just give us His son and then walk away to watch from a distance. He is forever present, able and willing to help us through the everyday challenges but He is not going to take over our lives without the invitation. Reach out and God will take you up – yes the little things and the big. 

Thanks for stopping by!


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