Monday, March 9, 2015

Calling for a Do-over

As a kid playing four-square, I thought it was so cool that we could call for a do-over.  You would work so hard for that King's Square, and to loose it because of a bad serve or a mis-step.  That just didn't seem fair.

In our home we have a phrase 'Hitting the Restart Button" and we can hit that button at any time.  Often when one of the kids (or all of us!) is struggling I will just pull him aside.  I will point out that his behavior, for what ever reason, has to change. We are just going to "hit the restart button" on our day.

This means two things - His behavior has to change, and we are just going to forget everything that led up to the present point.   No more complaining about how others wronged him first.  And no more complaining from ME that I have told him a bazillion times to stop doing whatever.  We both start new and fresh with a hug.

I saw a bumper sticker once which proclaimed

There are No Do-Overs in Life

Well, actually there are.

Certainly you cannot actually un-do the effects of most mistakes.  Every action has consequences.  But as Catholics, we know we can take our mistakes, our sins big and small, to Christ in the confessional.   He washes us cleans with his love, we complete our penance, and we start fresh.  He loves us that much.  And I think that is pretty cool too.

Next time you find yourself or your kids having a rough day, take the chance to hit the restart button.  You don't have to wait for the sun to go down - Restart your day whenever you need to. Take a deep breath.  Ask for forgiveness, or give someone else that forgiveness.   And Restart with Him and his love and forgiveness in mind.

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