Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Real Story: My love-hate relationship with NFP

Like most Catholics who practice NFP I hate it and I love it both. 

A friend and mother of six beauties summed it up well when she said "I know that if I want to, you know, then I should only, you know, if we are ready for another baby".  

Engaging in the marital embrace is something that is not done on a whim unless you are open to another baby.  When you are postponing conception, the marital act is a highly anticipated and carefully charted-for-event. And that is what I hate about it.  

I hate having to say no.  

I feel like my body deceives my husband. It sends out pheromones and I maybe I flirt, but once the kids are tucked we really are slaves to the chart.  And that stinks. 

I love it because each month my husband has to wait for me.  I love it because he knows what is going on with me and cycle.  I love it because it has freed my body of the toxins. I love it because I am able to give myself to my husband freely and receive his love in return.  

I love it because it gave us Anna.  
We decided to risk it and break the rules and here she is 

Most recently, practicing NFP has helped me to more deeply understand the union of husband & wife.  In the model of the trinity, husband and wife are like God the Father and God the Son - and from the love of the father and the son comes forth the Holy Spirit.  The love between God the Father and God the Son brings forth the Holy Spirit.  

Similarly, the love that my husband and I share is multiplied - sometimes (5 times in our case) in the form of a child.  

But in reality it is multiplied many more times that just when we conceive.  The love between a husband and wife is a love that can't be visibly seen.  

The marital embrace is the love that cools hurt feelings. It is the love that washes away annoyance.  It is the love that brings forth charitable acts and thoughtful comments.

When you routinely go without the opportunity to share in that life-giving act of love, you are able to notice the difference in your marriage, and your appreciation for that gift grows. 

So here's to lots of marital embraces… and learning patience and self-control too.

Thanks for stopping by to think with me!
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